Proverbs 17:22

Proverbs 17:22
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crusted spirit dries up the bones

In this section of the psalms three things will sorrow the heart. A crooked and dishonest life, a foolish son, and to much discouragement. But a joyful heart is good medicine. I always get drawn back to this section of a joyful heart. Seeing and feeling the sin of the world is discouraging and daunting. For me this is where the spirit dries up and the bones became me no more. I see many people who don’t have a walk with the lord unhappy and all dried up. Feeling like the world has them and they have no where to go. I related to this because this is where I was before coming to know the lord. When I started my walk with the lord the joy opened my heart and my souls and the spirit began to grow my forest. The lord was my refuge and my fortress not the things of the world. My medicine came from the one who had been with me the entire time the lord the joy of my life. When I awake in the morning I pray to the lord praying for the day and ask to be filled and depleted from self. My first dose of medicine. Then multiple time through out the day. The joy that comes from the relationship with the lord can not be comprehend in this world. People find joy in many thing I will leave that to your own imagination. For me I find joy and my dosages of medicine glorifying the lord. Some days are harder than others and that’s when we need seek the lord more frequently. 


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