Nehemiah 4:6

Nehemiah 4:6
So we built the wall.And all the wall was joined together to half its height,for the people had a mind to work.

During this time the wall of Jerusalem was being rebuilt. God gave a desire to the people to work hard at the rebuilding. Before  becoming a born again Christian I always took pride in the work that i did. Not self pride but pride in the work. I saw how some businesses would do a mediocre job and would receive good pay. This was not how I wanted to do work. I wanted to make sure the job was finished right the first time. As a young man in my early 20s my father said son you are more of a Christian as a non believer than your sister who is a believer. For a few years this would think back on this. I was choosing to be a good person because I saw and experienced the negative things in the world. I wanted to make people happy and show them that not everyone is unhappy. It was the summer of 2015 that it all clicked again. I was working with a friend to pay the bills and we had a discussion about Jesus and how it was through him that we can be free from this world. The stupid thing was I knew Jesus I just wasn’t walking with him. When I began my walk I started asking lord is this glorifying to you. Lord are you glorified with my work? It made sense to me what God has in store for now. When we are working g for the lord we are elevated to another level this is the Holy Spirit that is with in us. That the lord is filling us and ministering to us. When the fire of work is turned to the lord we are not guarding of working for self. We are under the Lords control and safety. God give us the mind for work and to be with him. We must answer answer that call. 


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