1 Timothy 1:12

1 Timothy 1:12 
I thank him who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord because he judged me faithful appointing me to his service 

In this sectioned scripture Paul gives much thanks to God for appointing him to be a servant of him. Disputed his past and sinful ways. He marvels that God would forgive his blasphemous ways. As born again Christians how can we not marvel at our God. How can we imagine a life with out Him, His Grace, His Love. We are the body of Christ and he dwells within us filling us with the holly spirit. Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice dieing  on the cross for our sins. Just as he did for Paul. We must bring ourselves to Christ in repentance asking for the forgiveness of our sins. We all human and fall victim to sin ever since Adam and Eve. But we are now forgiven, we know that through our faith we will have an everlasting life with our creator. The lord can save the life of any person he sees fit. To me that is something to think about. We live in a world with global corruption, money driving the workplace, sin at every corner of the world. Something God knew would take place. It is us the believers in Christ that are here to spread his word and share the gospel to the unreached people groups. So that the Lord can build his army up for his kingdom. The lord will take the sin fullest of all sinners and bring them into faith if one wishes to become saved by faith.  


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