1 Timothy 6

1 Timothy 6:11-12 
But as for you man of god flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses 

1 Timothy shows the holistic vision of the church what the Christians and church believes directly relates how the community acts and behaves. This the theology and beliefs must be critiqued by scriptures and the good news of Jesus. Timothy also says that the church should be known for the integrity and service to the poor. Known for its  good works all out of the devotion for the risen king.  He affirms his authority and stands in contrast with the false teachers. Who are not men and women of god. As I begin my first week working with the Calvary chapel Entebbe. I have come with a righteous and steadfastness and love to the Ugandans. I am coming into this new location the lord has allowed me to minister. With a bible and the word of god. I tell myself I’m fighting the good fight religion in Africa is either all in or not at all. As we stopped for gas I spoke to the gas attendant. He was a Muslim man asking why we are Christians? We told him that he is the one lord and savior. We asked if he had been to prayer for the day? He said he hadn’t and would have to try and go. This puzzled me for a moment a so called believer from a different religion. Doesn’t even understand the significance of prayer in their belief. Let alone it’s not a religion of fact. This brought me back to why I am a Christian and what it means. God is my lord and savior he died for my sins. I want to show him grace by sharing his word through scripture lessons, conversations, and gatherings.  

This week I will talk with a new member of Calvary Chapel Entebbe and I will discuss my morning scripture. 


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