Luke 8:22-25

Luke 8:22-25
Jesus calms the seas

Jesus is with his his disciples sailing in a small wooden vessel  on the sea of Galilee from one side to the other. At the beginning of the reading Jesus says let us cross to the other side of the lake. As they are crossing a windstorm picks up as while Jesus sleeps in the bowls of the boat. at one point the disciples are worried that they will sink and ask Jesus to calm the seas, which he does. Jesus disciples know that he is god in flesh but  chose not to obey and didn't have the true believe of faith in him. the disciples were  fishermen of the sea and know how to travel on the water, they know  the water currents because they were fishermen. so why were they in fear this time?  for them to be afraid is not normal thus showing the lack of faith in Jesus. when they called to Jesus they said mater master, and not Lord for help. they were lost in their arbitrary thinking and not knowing themselves and the situation they were in. when Jesus  rose and made the waters calm the disciples were asked where is your faith? the men were abrade of something that was common to their everyday lives. this shows that even Jesus men were not true believers because at the beginning of the scripture Jesus said "let us cross from one side to the other side". why would the lord then not allow a safe passage  journey.  the men knew at that point they would make the   they had Jesus and his gifts  regardless of the windstorm. the men were afraid when Jesus made the waters calm because waves don't naturally become calm like an early morning pond. think of that for a minute. the sea was calmed large bodies of water are not calm. you will always have a current moving you will always see a ripple. but god made the sea like a a cold mornings a sheet of glass with no movement. a boats vivid reflection to be seen if looked overboard. we believe in faith but loose sight from distractions of our world and the windstorms in our heads rushing us from thing to another or one place to another. not letting the calming  nature of gods grace and love   take us from our fearsome moments that we allow to manifest.  each day over the next the next two months i will look for scripture that resonate with God and his faithful servants so that i can grow my faith more and see it daily and now just during worship of actions i take.


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